Exit number 14 of the Sky Blue Line is about 2km from the Columbia River Gorge. Our small group was still underground as we looked into an outdoor recreation store to rent dragonfly bicycles.
It has a climbing motif. A climbing wall ascended into the sunlight. Three courses of various levels are on the wall.
This place has tons of stuff: bikes of all kinds, clothing, camping stuff, and various gadgets for enjoying nature.
The store is well placed because of all the nature to enjoy. One touch screen has information about wind conditions and other weather updates in the area. Another screen has a layout and virtual tours of the mountain bike trails. Another screen shows a dense elk population. And there are up-to-date grizzly bear reports.
We were also happy to find plenty of energy food.
Without leaving the store, we had come up with an itinerary. We will get a lodge near the river. In the morning, the remaining outdoorsman will do some kiting and sailboarding. Meanwhile, Ann, Eugene Douglass, and Slate hit the trails.