Countdown 4

Posted 147 CommentsPosted in current, Uncategorized

Make your actions reflect your words on climate change. Severn Cullis-Suzuki Good thoughts lead to good words that lead to good actions. Severn Cullis-Suzuki focuses on good actions, here On my welcome page, you can read of my concerns about politicians, and the here and now. I am old enough to remember her original speech. […]

Countdown 3

Posted 313 CommentsPosted in current, Uncategorized

Europe’s plan to become the first carbon-neutral continent | Ursula von der Leyen I viewed this talk with Greta Thunberg’s call in mind -for governments to make meaningful change. In this speech, I saw some resolute and accelerating changes. (9/10) 10 Years to transform the future of humanity — or destabilize the planet | Johan […]