These days we have been following along on a caribou hunt. Of course, we don’t have guns, and neither do the hunters.
The first stage was tracking. It was about two days before we came across a herd.
The second stage was stalking. On hands and knees, we approached the herd. We were looking for animals with signs of illness, and then we would photograph them.
The third stage was hunting. We separated into three groups. Asii and her group panicked the herd by running and yelling and screaming at the herd while wielding an electronic saber. The herd bolted.
Another group, lead by Aka, was waiting and charged the herd yelling and screaming.
Simultaneously, Angaangaq and his group looked for caribou that stumbled or had difficulty moving. He photographed these caribou and tagged the photo.
We posted the tagged photos for drones. The drones took the animals down and transported them to the processing plant.