We downloaded the ‘Phasers to Stun’ app. Our descent into impotence started when we used AI to find the area most likely to have moon bears. Now we are using an app to provide protection.
It is humiliating, and I can almost hear the criticism, “You are changing nature’s path, impairing an animal and leaving it in danger.”
We of little faith, going into the tiger’s den, want to come out of it alive. That is the relationship we have with nature. We have bent everything to our will. It is not easy to give up our advantage.
Rationalizing ourselves with our egos, we will use it only as a last resort.
An animal has many defensive weapons at its disposal. Is it tempting fate to enter nature’s realm unarmed? Perhaps our knowledge and culture will be enough. Perhaps we will be good travelers and leave no tracks. Of these things, we are eager to learn.