Eugene Douglass: I made a sketch outlining the greenhouse yurt/ traditional yurt. A greenhouse yurt and a traditional yurt have:
ㄹ a barrier sheet wrapped around
ㅁ a tension chord keeping everything in place, sealing the barrier
Additionally, a greenhouse yurt has:
ㄴ poles kept in place by tension chords
ㄷ tension chords attached to a lower sheet
ㄱ a sheet thrown over the poles making a double layer
Ann: I love these yurts. Traditional yurts were well designed with a tension cord wrapping them up at the bottom. These yurts combine that tension element with a double-layered, transparent roof that is also in tension. The vent at the top is almost all that is needed to control the temperature. And it is well-balanced with pear trees above the sleeping mats. What a joy.
Eugene Douglass: The transparent dome and structure shelters us gently.
Tong: I am surprised they are able to move the yurts every five years.