
Tour Tweets 29, Yellowstone

Keith: This orientation has had some great speeches and performances by young adults (they look like kids to us).

Asii: I will be working in the Tomorrow’s Stewards, Northern Plains program. The rangers in this program explain the intricate workings of nature to little kids.

Aka: It is my privilege to study deer, elk and moose as part of the Wildlife and Wilderness, Northern Plains program. Specifically, we will be monitoring the cervidae for diseases.

Tong: I will also be leaving, but just for a break. Keith and I travel to San Francisco tomorrow, where our families await us. We’ll rejoin the group when you make it down to S.F.

Keith: I leave Hyung in charge of the tour. The group is in good hands.

Hyung: Aka and Asii have been great travel companions and we miss them already. We wish them the best in their important work. Tong and Keith, enjoy your sojourn in San Francisco. See you down there next month.

Ann: Asii and Aka- enjoy your experiences, and thank you again for saving our lives!

Hyung: Tomorrow, we are taking the Sky Blue Line to the Columbia River Gorge, and then head for the west coast. It should be a great experience.

3 thoughts on “Tour Tweets 29, Yellowstone

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