The Columbia River Gorge was created after melting glaciers caused a giant lake to flood.
There was good wind at The Wall, where Mac and Hyung went to do some kiting. Kiteboards are there for rent, stored in lockers built into the banks of the river. There are public washers (hoses) and air dryers to clean the kiteboard before returning it into a locker.
There were no grizzlies detected on the northern shore, so that’s where the rest of us rode on dragonfly bicycles. We did see some elk and the stunning views of the river gorge.
We all met for dinner – delicious after exercising all day. Hyung had the most luck – based on his energy level.
We have rented a large A-frame. It is a bit different, staying in a wooden (pine) house in the wildlands. This simple pre-fab A-frame is dismantled and moved every five years.
The house is well-positioned in the pine forest with views of the gorge. And the weather is never so hot or cold that electricity is needed for heating or cooling, just some warm blankets.