Peutro Escondido

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As the ocean cools (unbearably), we continued south on the Light Green Line.We came out at Peurto Escondido. The resort at Playa Carrizalillo Beach could cost us a fortune. So we are doing this ‘pansion style’: renting a voluminous room with everyone crashing on the floor.We got lost on the way down to the beach. […]

A Surfer Creed

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Adapted from The Tao Te Ching, chapter 10, by Lao Tzu, translated by Feng Jia-fu and Jane English: Carrying board and soul and embracing the wave, Can you avoid separation? Surfing fully and becoming supple, Can you be like a newborn babe? Washing and cleansing the primal vision, Can you be without agendas? Loving all […]