
Countdown 7

To save the climate, we have to reimagine capitalism | Rebecca Henderson

When AL Gore made his award winning documentary, there was a lot of criticism. One aspect most talked about was the matching graphs he showed of CO2 and temperature. Should the graph of CO2 precede the temperature graph (not follow it) if CO2 is the main cause?
The current understanding of these graphs involves sand on a see saw. When there is an initial force on one side of a see saw, the sand begins to slide to that side. Sand, in this example, is CO2. And the initial force, in a time before human civilization, can be the relation between the Earth and sun. For example, tilting the Earth’s axis causes warming of the northern hemisphere and the release of CO2. CO2 is not the initial condition CO2 is the main force of warming.

Professor Rebecca Henderson seems to be an idealist about capitalism – one who regrets that capitalism has morphed into something monstrous today. I wonder how you can be an idealist when this is also the face of capitalism today.

I agree with her. Free markets were a great invention, as I posted here.

The author of that Ted Talk, Jonathan Haidt, sees the liberal left / conservative right are two eternal sides of economic issues. He does not see one side as being the correct one. 

Maybe, there can be peace between my ideal future and the one she hopes for in this talk.

She then tells a story of how capitalism can return from its current monstrous form. This story makes me want to finish my project and contribute to the turning of the tide (CO2 output). When the tide has turned the momentum will be on the side of sustainability.

Again, I wrote a lot about a talk (9/10)

Again, I wrote a lot about a talk (9/10)

How India could pull off the world’s most ambitious energy transition | Varun Sivaram

One thing that many of these talks have in common is the magnitude of the problems. The term Rebecca Henderson used was ‘monstrous.’ Varun Sivaram talks about a ‘hellscape.’
We can see the reality of India today. These are critical times, to say the least.
I loved when he mentioned electrifying road transportation. Electric scooters and rickshaws will be seen as the most thermally efficient travel. My brothers have electric bicycles, and they can get around town on them.

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