
Life in the Wild

I’ve been wanting to reply to an argument – that wild animals are the dangerous and vicious life forms.

We often promote domesticated animals while not caring about wild animals. We care about the treatment of dogs but not about orangutans. We decide which species goes extinct or survives. This video is not the most heartbreaking from what I have seen, either. (A video of a pack of lions and an old elephant comes to mind.)

I have heard arguments that our livestock were given a bargain – we removed their life threats and took of their food and shelter.

My response :

  1. Really? Stuck in confinement without freedom for the rest of your life? And what happens when there is a condition that you are not comfortable with? 

2. It is written in the Dao De Jing that the dao of man follows the dao of nature. I agree with this. As man destroys the habitat, sterilizing the ground, leaving behind a barren desert, we lose some of our spirit. In a similar vein, we learn from our world while applying the scientific method. Pose a question, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis.

3. Right now, ourselves, our livestock, and our domesticated animals are the vast majority (by weight) of the animals on earth. But this leaves us as a broad target for micro-life to evolve and attack. Note: mad cow disease, bird flu, and swine flu.

4. It is not acceptable to cause a sixth extinction event on earth.

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