More herds of bison came by. We rode closer to see them, but they weren’t bothered. They seemed to know the difference between hunters on horseback and cyclists.
We met some hunters trying to outflank a herd of pronghorns. A pronghorn is a kind of antelope (actually, they are members of the giraffe family) from long ago. Back then, a kind of cheetah (whose family is unknown) hunted them in North America.
Pronghorns are so fast, with such large lungs and ultra-light bones. They do not have natural predators. Therefore, they need to be hunted by humans for population control.
We don’t know how successful the hunters were.
We were minding ourselves, moseying down the prairie.
A burst of pheasants was the only interruption of our leisure.
That night we had Mac keep the fires lit. Jack sat devotedly by his side.

Author: Apokryltaros at English Wikipedia