
8 Billion People

Eight billion people, it is a momentous milestone for humanity.

Natalia Kanem, United Nations Population Fund

It’s lazy and damaging to keep going back to overpopulation.

Jennifer Sciubba, a researcher at the Wilson Center

As we have 8 billion today, the media coverage is about not panicking, and considering energy consumption. Why does Ms. Sciubba think overpopulation concern is lazy? This thinking allows people in wealthy nations, who consume the most, to blame developing nations, where population growth is the highest.

As I posted, all animals continuously search for and consume energy sources (other living organisms). However, with our machines we consume much more energy than other animals. 

One point The Japan Times article makes is if we all consumed energy like people in India, we would need .8 earths, but a USA lifestyle requires five earths. 

My point is about the other “natural systems” the article only briefly mentions. For the other million animal species, we would leave only .2 earths? That is not acceptable. Many of the species are going extinct due to habitat loss. 

There needs to be a decrease in the population, but “only through positive, voluntary, rights-respecting means” and not “deplorable examples” of population control

Robin Maynard, the executive director of the NGO Population Matters

As I have posted here and here. I also agree with Mr. Maynard about the natural systems: “A smaller population with sustainable levels of consumption would reduce demands on energy, transportation, materials, food and natural systems.”

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